Ben Scott wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Ric Werme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We used to make comparisons like "If the automobile industry had improved
>> at the same rate as computers...."  It's been a long time since that made
>> any sense - a car would travel at Mach 10, seat 1,500, get 500 mpg, and fold
>> up and fit in your shirt pocket.
>   But Linux cars wouldn't be able to travel on Macintosh roads, and no
> two cars would put the steering wheel in the same place...

At least with the Linux car, you can put the steering wheel wherever you 
want it.  Or redesign it into a drive-by-wire joystick if you prefer.

At Mach 10, with 1,499 passengers and the safety system being optional, 
that can make a world of difference.


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