On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 13:32 -0400, Heidi A. Strohl wrote:
> I have an iPod nano, and I can't believe I fell for the iPod schtick
> again. In retrospect, I should have known: my fiancee has bought me a
> new iPod every year for the past four years. I have never had an Apple
> device that lasted more than 1 year before malfunctioning.

In contrast, I've got two iPods, one four and a half years old (3rd-gen,
greyscale, click-wheel), one three years old (first video model), and
both continue to work flawlessly. As does my wife's three year old nano.
My brother still has his first-generation 5GB iPod, and only recently
replaced it due to long-since outgrowing the capacity (he got a 32GB
iPod Touch).

Now that my older iPod has more or less been supplanted by an iPhone, I
think I'll throw Rockbox 3.0 on it for giggles, since its been quite a
while since I've played with it (it was in its infancy and frankly
sucked the last time I tried it out, but that has to be three years ago

Jarod Wilson

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