Hi list,

  Recent discussion made me curious: Assume we have someone using a
very old version of an MUA (Mail User Agent, like /bin/mail or Pine)
-- one that is unaware of MIME, the BASE64, and quoted-printable
encodings, or HTML mail.  Assume that, for whatever reason, they are
unwilling or unable to upgrade their MUA itself.  Put aside the
question of whether that situation is one others should care about,
and also put aside the question of whether MIME/HTML/etc should be

  Anyone have any quick and easy recipes for something that could be
inserted "between" the outside world and such an MUA, which would make
modern mail more usable with such an MUA?

  Features I envision would include:

* Decode BASE64 or quoted-printable to 7-bit clean plain text
* Replace any common Unicode characters with ASCII equivilents
* Replace unhandled non-ASCII characters with an ASCII text representation
* When a plain text body alternative is provided, strip any other body
* Render HTML to plain text, when only an HTML body is provided
* Strip any remaining MIME headers

  This would, I think, result in all incoming email appearing as plain
old email, more or less transparently.  Outgoing/replies should still
work, since newer MUAs can handle the plain stuff just fine.

  I thinking most of this could probably be done fairly easily with
some combination of procmail, base64(1), demoroniser, "lynx -dump",
and the like.


-- Ben
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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