> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 12:08:19 -0400
> From: "Ben Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> * When a plain text body alternative is provided, strip any other body
> alternatives
> * Render HTML to plain text, when only an HTML body is provided
> * Strip any remaining MIME headers

Hm.  Maybe:

* Convert to ASCII as Ben described
* If there's a text/html but no text/plain:
   1 convert the HTML to text
   2 add the text/plain alternative to the message
   3 leave the text/html alternative
* Convert file attachments to uuencode

Yeah, I'm a fan of that last one, too. :D

By leaving all the sections in the message, things like PGP signatures
would remain intact.

> some combination of procmail, base64(1), demoroniser, "lynx -dump",

Is that a real program name, "demoroniser"?  LOL....I'm having fun
trying to imagine just what a program named "demoroniser" could do!
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