> From: Ric Werme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed,  8 Oct 2008 01:03:01 -0400 (EDT)
> Cc: Greater NH Linux User Group <gnhlug-discuss@mail.gnhlug.org>

> Who invented BASE64 anyway, when uuencoding work just fine already?
> How many times do I have to see wheels reinvented in this dumb business,
> anyway?

Often, we use "reinventing the wheel" as a metaphor... but the wheel
(more technically speaking the roller) actually *has* been reinvented:


I went to a job interview at a high-tech firm in Durham, once.  The
guy interviewing me asked me a bunch of questions (presumably to tell
how "smart" I was).  One of the questions he asked was "Why are
manhole covers round?"  Oh, he thought he was being soooo clever!
Little did he know there are an infinite number of equidiametric

Interview tip #1000029: Never allow yourself to appear smarter than
your would-be boss. :)

If I were back in that interiew seat again, and was asked "Why are
manhole covers round?"  I would most assuredly now answer, "For
compatibility with Microsoft Office."
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