> I had the need to write some Perl code recently which forced me to pull
> out "Learning Perl" from the bookshelf.  Larry Wall wrote a very
> entertaining forward that takes issue with some of these principles.

> http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=572875

Definitely worth reading and provides some useful insight that reaffirms
my happiness with Python.

This Goldilocks tasted the Java and found it too strongly typed and designed
by the computer scientists who value purity over productivity.

He then tasted Perl and concluded one should only learn one language of
line noise per career (TECO forever!), though it's certainly preferable to
shells of oysters, bourne, C, etc.

Finally, a taste of Python showed it well roasted and had a "just right"
combination of design and staying out of the way of getting things done.

Good reasons exist to use all three languages.  And several others.

Disclaimers: I have a Perl book, haven't written more than a few lines
of Perl.  Looked at hundreds though.  I've written hundreds of lines of
Java.  Thousands of lines of Python, but am by no means an expert.
By profession, I write OS (mostly Unix) kernel code in C.
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