> Data point [...]  it was asserted the girl's spotless discipline
> record was not proof she was a good student, but only that she had
> not been caught violating school rules.  Consider the implication

Considered.  The implication is that the "presumed innocent" dictum
was ignored in that case and might therefore be ignored in others,
which is the stuff of nightmares and fodder for much discussion
(all of which I hope remains duly marked [OT] !)

However, I'm obliged to confirm their assertion (while repulsed
by their attitudes and methods) because, strictly speaking, it is
true that a "spotless discipline record" proves essentially nothing.
Think of all the fscking @55h0le5 you know (or know of) who happen to
have a "spotless" record, at least as far as the relevant authorities
are concerned.  So that was actually more of a "lack of data" point...

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