On Friday 29 May 2009 04:21:52 pm Ben Scott wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
> <g...@freephile.com> wrote:
> > ... Comcast is distributing little Digital to Analog converters (along
> > with their switchover to DTV broadcasts) ...
>   I thought the DTV switchover was mainly a problem for people
> receiving TV via OTA broadcast (over-the-air, i.e., antennas).  I
> thought the CATV companies could basically keep sending analog signals
> forever.  Or are they jumping on the digital-only bandwagon, too?

Oh boy, that would be pretty awful.  Do we know what kind of timeline the 
cable companies are planning to persue with this?  I've got 3 analog tuners 
and no plans to pay for digital cable anytime soon.  

Greg, do you have any information on those digital->analog converters they've 
got?  Are they freebies?  Is Comcast publishing this switchover?  Thanks for 
the heads up.  I'll have to research some of those things a bit more.  I 
guess I was getting complacent in my Myth box just running for so many years 
without much effort.
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