In message <>, Jarod Wilson wr

> thereby requiring subscribers to rent more cable boxes...

You got it.  Selling less and charging more for it has been this
company's mantra since... well, when did they become "Comcast"?

Last June (almost 1 year ago), I lost three channels (4, 40, and 58 if
I recall correctly) because they "moved" them to the digital tier.

I, personally, find it disgusting how Comcast is using the *OTA* DTV
transition as an opportunity to rob analog *cable* TV subscribers of
service in the name of "digital" programming.  Most people don't
understand that "digital" cable has nothing at all to do with what's
"digital" on the air.  As a result, the uninformed perception is that
what Comcast's doing is government-mandated.  It's patent deception.

To drive the point home... the DTV transition began in February, and
Comcast is *still* broadcasting commercials (on analog cable, mind
you) urging people to "be ready" for the end of the transition in
June.  Let me ask you this: if you're watching that commercial on
analog cable, don't you already have at least basic cable??!  Clearly,
the intent here is to mislead the uninformed.

Comcast gets to cram more signal into less bandwidth... saving them
money.  At the same time, if I want the Hallmark Channel back (that
was channel 58, I think), I have to rent one of their cable boxes.

And, don't forget... Comcast's new TOS declare that their cable boxes,
as well as ALL software and settings on them, are Comcast "property".
That means they can change settings, upgrade software, etc. on your
box without your knowledge.  (Someone on this list recently complained
about surprise changes made to a cable modem.)  IIRC, the TOS even
grant Comcast explicit permission to come into your home and
physically change out cards in their CPE.  (No joke!)

Because the digital boxes have channels back to Comcast, and they can
change set-top software at will, it's possible for Comcast to track
subscriber viewing habits.  Warrantless set-top surveillance, anyone?

No, I'm afraid I'll have to pass.  I'm plenty "ready" with my analog
tuner card, thank you!
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