>> I notice that there is no swap listed.  Umm, how does one add swap to a
>> nfs based system?
>> NFS swap of course ;-)  
>Have any good references on NFS swap?

To see if swap is even going to help you you might:

    # Create an empty 1Gb file
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/someNFSdirectory/mySwapFile bs=1G count=1

    # Prepare it as a swap device
    mkswap /someNFSdirectory/mySwapFile

    # Add it to the kernel's (possibly empty) pool of swap devices
    swapon /someNFSdirectory/mySwapFile

...and then run your test.  If no joy just delete that swapFile,
else you could enshrine the whole mess in an fstab line:

   /someNFSdirectory/mySwapFile none swap sw 0 0
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