I actually don't know if OO does a correct word count. On a 40,000 word document, I get a difference between that and gedit. It's of some concern to me because I'm a writer. Does anyone know of any Linux application that does an accurate word count, so I can check?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Buskey
Sent: Mar 29, 2010 12:37 PM
To: Susan Cragin
Cc: TARogue , Greater NH Linux User Group
Subject: Re: OpenOffice question

On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Susan Cragin <susancra...@earthlink.net> wrote:
There are two specialized but excellent word processors that have a very specific following. Both have relatively small user bases.

Word Perfect is still the application of choice for many law offices. If you do legal transcription, you often have to certify that you have a valid WP license and the latest program. Some statistics (wikipedia) show WP with 15% of the business market.

My comment about WordPerfect was of course a joke.  If I could use anything for documents, I'd use emacs + LaTeX and LaTeX worry about references, layout, font choice, etc.  I've used WP and it translates well to other formats.

From what I understand, WP does word count correctly and that's required for legal document.  Word doesn't.  Does OpenOffice?
Lawyers are quite often behind the techno curve. (I have a law degree BTW.)
The free WP for Linux has been removed from most sites. It used wine, and ran slowly. Corel's Linux is now Xandros.

If it's fixed, don't break it

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