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--- On Wed, 4/7/10, TARogue <taro...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: TARogue <taro...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: We need a better Internet in America
> To: "Seth Cohn" <sethc...@gnuhampshire.org>
> Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 9:42 AM
> --- On Wed, 4/7/10, Seth Cohn <sethc...@gnuhampshire.org>
> wrote:
> > Try  http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-20001825-38.html
> > Written by the awesome Declan McCullagh, who is not
> only a
> > good reporter, but a techy who understands the issues,
> and
> > writes followups (6 as I type this).
> > 
> > Net Neutrality will only give the government more
> control
> > over the net.  Sorry, but that's a bad thing, in my
> book. 
> > Please name one instance where the government getting
> involved has truly
> > made things faster, cheaper and/or better. (pick 2..
> they often try do
> > one at the expense of the other 2)
> > 
> Libraries, USPS, Medicare, Military ...
> > The net, from the very start, treats censorship (which
> is
> > the major complaint Net Neutralists tout - slower
> access is just a
> > subtle form  of censorship), as damage and routes
> around it.  If we
> > have companies, like Comcast, who abuse their
> providerships, we route
> > around them, sooner or later.
> > 
> Nice theory, but not actually true in practice. A friend
> and I were in a chat program, and she directed me to a web
> page. She was in Ohio, I in NH, the site in California. She
> got to it fine, and since I could get to her (via chat) it
> would follow that I should get to the site. But no, there
> was a break between me and the site and rather than go
> around, the packets just kept hitting the wall. The routers
> on the net send you in specific directions based on previous
> 'good' paths and won't change the route until some specific
> event triggers a change. And without some impetus to make
> that change you're stuck. And good luck finding more than
> one broadband provider in the woods of NH. My choice is
> Metrocast, or Metrocast.
> > Seth
> > 
> -- 
> -Tom
> http://www.tarogue.net/~tom/


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