On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 12:14 AM, Ric Werme <ewe...@comcast.net> wrote:

> From: "Greg Rundlett (freephile)" <g...@freephile.com>
> > I hope this message is considered "on topic" because
> > a) the Internet was/is built on Linux
> You just lost all of us who worked on ARPAnet.  Of course, there aren't
> that
> many of us, so maybe it doesn't matter.  The follow on to the ARPAnet, the
> Internet, started around 1980 with the publishing of the core Internet
> protocols and porting classics like the new (1973) FTP and Telnet protocols
> and new ones like NFS and the rest of ONC-RPC.  Linux didn't appear until
> 1991
> or so. I was "off net" in 1980, but I think BSD Unix is to the Internet as
> TENEX and PDP-10s were to the ARPAnet.  Linux and Windows came along later.
> In V2, you might try dropping the "was".
BSD created the standard TCP/IP stack used in Unix, Windows and just about
everything else.

My start with Internet in 1987 was on BITNET with usenet news on a gould
unix system.  I had ftp to simtel20 (running tenex / 36 bit).  Vaxen were
common, probably running BSD 4.2.  IBM didn't do Unix.  No http - the NeXT
systems it was created on hadn't been built.

In 1992 I had SunOS and Mosaic.  Windows 3.1 and NT 3.5 didn't do TCP except
with a 3rd party stack (trumpet winsock was one) and custom apps written to
the stack. MacOS 7 got Mosaic about this time.

NCSA http was the server everyone used.  Apache hadn't started up.  Apache
== A Patchy web server because it was patching the NCSA server.

I had Linux 0.93.  TCP/IP was in development.  Sound, network, CD-ROM drives
were all add ons to a PC.  No way would anyone do a web server on it beyond
"hey look!  Cool!".  I had my X server (XFree 2.x) crash the kernel often.
I don't think FreeBSD existed yet, but BSDi was selling a BSD for PCs.

Home users couldn't get internet.  AOL was still a walled garden without
outside connections.  Dialup cost $$/minute.

I can't imagine Linux being a viable web server until after 1996.  It was
mostly SunOS then.  Solaris 2.3 was out, but it wasn't as good as SunOS
until 2.4.  AIX had emerged.

Also, buy that time, Netscape emerged and I think MS had IIS.  IE became
available as a seperate download for Windows 95.  Yahoo was starting as an
index of the web.

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