Greetings from northern Vermont and our continuing Mud Season!

I just did a little upgrade dance from 10.10 to 11.04 Natty Narwahl on an
older Dell desktop with 2GB RAM.  I had burned both a CD and a USB stick
with it but the box would not boot from either one, possibly a corrupted
download,  I'm guessing.

On the third upgrade attempt via the System Update option (multiple possibly
because of net traffic trying to do the same thing) it downloaded and
installed the packages and rebooted but halted on the splash screen.
 Rebooted again and got to the login screen and then, presumably, the new
11.04 screen, which is black.  Keyboard and clock are fine and everything
looks like it might be OK, but I *can't move or activate the mouse, although
its cursor is visible on the screen*.  Tried different mice, ensured that
the mouse port was on, rebooted again, and no joy in Mudville.

Any thoughts?
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