On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 09:30:40PM -0400, David Hardy wrote:
> I have a list here close by of a half-dozen things we should do after we
> upgrade to 11.04 but without the mouse or command line I am stuck right now.

You should always have the command line unless Ubuntu has gone and done
something totally broken in their setup.  You can hit Ctrl-Alt-F(1-7) to
get to the console ttys.

That is also how I'd attempt to fix your mouse problem.  Log in and examine
the /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if your mouse is being (mis)detected.

Since it sounds like your install/update was less than smooth, it's
probably worth seeing if a round of apt-get update && apt-get upgrade &&
apt-get -f install and a reboot would automagically fix things without
resorting to reading manuals.


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