On 06/07/2011 08:27 AM, David Rysdam wrote:
> I'm not sure what not going to the "outside world" means if you are
> restricting access. You and she can read it but not the rest of your
> family? The dog? I think if you are both monitoring and restricting,
> accessing over the Internet shouldn't be a problem. In fact, EITHER
> monitoring OR restricting would probably be sufficient.
At this age, I'd rather do both.  I don't want any of the content she 
puts up to wind up on Fark, or (worse) 4chan.  I don't want it on a 
cloud (be it Google or anyone else) so I can independently monitor the 

Sound controlling?  Sure, but she's 8.

> In any case, you can do both things without serving the pages
> yourself. I've got a host (webhostingbuzz, but any will work) and I'm
> running WordPress on it. WP is pretty simple to use, especially if you
> set it up and show her how to do the basics.
>   I set up the domain so that if/when my kids want to have a site they
> can do it under their own names as "http://firstname.lastname.org";. They
> already have firstn...@lastname.org email addresses.
The domain and e-mails aren't the problem as I already have all those.  
I'll take another look at Wordpress.  Maybe I should update my Gallery 
install while I'm at it...

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