On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:59 PM, David Rysdam <da...@rysdam.org> wrote:
> However, I just had an idea. You can get 128GB USB drives on ebay for
> ~$20 now. Why not install an emulator-based (as opposed to bootable)
> "live CD" image on there that they can then mount the rest of the USB
> drive with and edit their work in Linux *even at school*?

To me, it seems like a lot of effort when there are perhaps easier
solutions -- maybe you've already considered these and they don't work
for some reason or other?

* if school provides network access during in-class work sessions,
edit in google docs at both locations
* if school's admin policies let you run an emulator executable off
the USB, then you could put a windows version of Libreoffice on that
USB drive and run LO in both places
* you mention printing as a problem -- just generate pdf and print
from windows at school?
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