Tom Buskey <> writes:
> Or, even easier, portable Libre Office running on Windows.  Then the data
> files are always Libre Office format on a USB drive.  Edit on Linux, edit
> on Windows, always running Libre Office.
>  I'd suggest
> doing this in any event.

Reading these links, I realized that this isn't going to work, at least
not with the cheap-o 128 GB drives. These things are pretty slow. I
probably want a smaller, USB 3.0 drive.

> However, I bet the school is teaching *PowerPoint*, not presentation
> software.  In which case the student is expected to provide a powerpoint
> that works on the school's system.  If that is the case, you should work
> out with the teacher how to do things at home.  Maybe LibreOffice on a
> thumb drive is ok.

In the computer class, they probably are teaching particular apps but I
*think* they always have time to work on them there in that case. For
other classes, they are usually handing in paper, well for the Word
situations anyway. I guess they must be displaying PPT on the computer,
as you say.

I guess that makes the entire project moot. NM.
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