Excellent [re-]start Ted. Thanks for remembering this!

Ted Roche wrote:
> I have a few ideas about how I'd like to structure the organization. 
> This is just one guy's opinion and I'd welcome constructive  criticism.
> The main things I am trying to build in here are:  representation,
> responsibilities, checks and balances.

I really like the checks and balances approach!


> 2. Two or more "at large" members can serve, bringing the total count 
> of the group to an odd number.

I believe the number of at-large council members should be equivalent to
the ratio of the number of members that aren't covered by a chapter. (Of
course, this requires people to "claim" one and only one chapter, and we
still have to define a chapter.)

> 3. Council members elect a chair to run the meetings and act as  GNHLUG
> within specified limits between meetings, a secretary to  record
> meetings, discussions and decisions, and a treasurer to  maintain and
> account for whatever funds we decide to work with.

I think that should read "elect a chair to run the organizational and
quarterly meetings and act as..."; keeping in mind that a chair can
delegate the actually em-cee'ing of a meeting to someone else.

> 4. All chapters can recall their representative. Besides regular 
> elections, we'll need a recall mechanism.
> 5
. A sufficiently large group can recall an at-large member.

> 7. Membership is open to the public. Representation should be  available
> to everyone, but we may want to more clearly limit what  would qualify
> as a "voting member." Ideas on this sticky point very  much welcomed.

For now, a voting member should be someone on the mailing list,
registered on the web site and/or attended at least 2 chapter meetings
in one year. I'd like a more formal method that would ensure there's
only one vote per person, instead of one vote per email address though.

> I've posted this to the -org list for preliminary feedback. Based on 
> that, I'd like to open the discussion to the -discuss list, then  draft
> paperwork to get this done. I'm hoping to have the basic  paperwork in
> place by the fall. So, comments are needed as soon as  possible, since
> each step takes longer than we'll want or expect.

I also believe that SIG groups should have the same benefits (and
representative power) as chapters.

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