On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 05:10:36PM -0400, Heather Brodeur wrote:
> Bruce Dawson wrote:
> >Ted Roche wrote:
> >>I'm not sure we have an easy way to distinguish email addresses.
> >
> >Yes, but we don't have a good way of ensuring only one person gets a
> >vote. Actually, I think this was discussed on the general mailing some
> >time ago - I just can't find it.
> Perhaps I'm being a bit over simplistic, but shouldn't we just require
> registration to vote?  If someone wants to be a "voting member" they
> have to let us know who they are, where to find them, and what their
> aliases are.  If someone wants to remain anonymous to the list or
> chapters (or SIGs), fine, but they aren't eligible to vote.  Do we
> really expect that people would make up and register multiple
> personalities just to skew the vote?

I agree, perhaps if one wants to vote they should also have to submit
their physical address.  These can be held private, and can be used to
prevent chicago style ballot stuffing.

Also - I don't really think that ballot stuffing is going to be a
problem with this crowd.
> -Heather (does it really have to be _that_ difficult) Brodeur

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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