On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:41:00 -0400
Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Excellent [re-]start Ted. Thanks for remembering this!

Indeed.  Of course the age old problem still exists.  Since
everyone wants to be as egalitarian as our roots require (and I
essentially agree with this view), who-when-and how is it to be
determined that this should be done and how it is done?  Not
being an organized group, I suspect someone will simply have to
take the bit in theteeth and do it since there is no mechanism
to do otherwise.  That said, I believe a concrete proposal should
be developed, circulated, and presented to the attendees of a
quarterly meeting for an up or down vote. I say that because it 
is important that all those who participate in GNHLUG should have
a chance to review and comment before the finalization of the
necessary docs, but I also believe it is not feasible to have all
concerns addressed or accepted nor for a final document to be
developed at a given general meeting. 

Ed Lawson

Ed Lawson
gnhlug-org mailing list

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