
>well, maybe the second meeting. in 1994.

Please don't exaggerate. :-)

Organization was definitely not discussed until after the third meeting,
at least.  I was at the first meeting.  And I was at the second meeting when the
person who organized the first meeting said they could not do it any more, and
I (braver than normal) raised my hand to take over "leading" the organization
for eight or so years afterwards.

At that time it was determined that we should not get any more "organized", and
several times in the years I was the un-elected leader of the un-organization
we discussed the question and voted down (in an informal way, since we were
not "formal") the option of becoming "more formal".

It is only within the past two or three years that we have seriously discussed
"organizing", with a percentage of the people agreeing that this might be

I see both sides, and I think that both side's needs can be met, but I think
it takes real organization, with a real charter, real goals and real checks and
balances.  The stuff David mentioned with SwANH solves none of these issues,
although it does make the financials and mechanisms a bit easier.


P.S.  Ted, I know that you were just tongue in cheek when you said it was the
second meeting....it could have been as long as the fifth....we did not keep
minutes at the time.
Jon "maddog" Hall
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