Jon maddog Hall wrote:

> I think you want to have as representatives the people who really want to do
> the work and make the group go.  They will typically be the ones that (given
> a call to run) will respond, and probably (from their own participation
> on the lists, list of projects where they participated in the past and from
> their own candidate statements) will be the ones selected by the rest of the
> group (whoever "the rest of the group" turns out to be).

Unfortunately, the ones "who do the work and make the group go" also
include the groups with hidden agendas and those who can't tolerate
things they don't understand.

Once these people get in control, we have to suffer with them until they
are voted out.

So far, we have been lucky.

> If you elect the best, they should reach out to represent all the groups.
> Perhaps you can make that a responsibility of one of the officers.

Ah. Some weasel words to be aware of: Should, seems, "you can make".

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