Are these big? When you mean useless, exactly what do you mean? Could they
be a home server? Don't know anything about Sun's, but what the heck,
thought I would ask.
>In a message dated: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 14:08:34 EST
>>Correctional Industries, inside the State Prison, will put Linux in them,
>>and the computers will then be sent to schools, homeless shelters,
>>Mental health peer support centers, and maybe other non-profits.
>>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Hey Bob,
>We have a ton of old Sun systems (IPC,ELC,Sparc2, etc.) that are all but
>worthless. SparcLinux can be installed on these. Are they of interest to
>you? If so, I will go talk to the finance weenie here and see what we can do
>about getting them to you.
> Doing something stupid always costs less (up front) than doing
> something intelligent.
> Bean counters are *always* wrong!
> A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking.
> If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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