Hello all,

As a "former teenage daughter" (now a "20 something daughter")... I shall
have to disagree and, if I didn't know better I would swear that 2nd
paragraph bordered on sexist ! But, I shall not judge...... and I doubt it
was meant to be... I know the comment was supposed to be a pun.... But....

The most expensive things I wore growing up were my English DMs... and they
ARE superior... The superiority was in the materials used to make it, and
the design...  Not because it was expensive (they were) and they didn't
become popular until years after I started wearing them (We are talking

Sure the MS OS can suck, but.... There are programs that run like I need, on
it that don't. Until those companies begin to make software for linux, or
someone makes something equivalent,  I'll keep using Windows. I  have
certain uses for linux... I just can't use it 24/7 for some of the things I

I'll continue to support linux, because of it's stability... but for me, it
is necessary to use MS.

I need MS for High End video editing, some desktop publishing and some
graphic work. Yeah, Yeah, I know.. Gimp.. but I have problems with Gimp
doing what I want - I've read the tutorials etc... so I'll stick with
Photoshop and the like.  (Egad... the GNHLUG images were created in
Photoshop?! Ok, I gave Gimp a try, so they were at least touched by Gimp...
but I don't think the outcome was too bad... do you?)

Now, I use linux for my webserver, my video capture machine (capture not
editing), my firewall, mail server. I use it in these places because I need
their specific functions... just like I need MS so I can run specific

So what I am saying is.... I'm Bi-OS. I like them both, but for different
reasons. I'm not an OS-two-timer... Neither of them are ready to meet my
needs completely... and they understand that that is why I need them both...
I'm not using MS because everyone is, and it is not necessarily the best
because it is expensive... Same goes for Linux, in reverse.

Pardon me if I am not making any sense. My sinuses are going wacky and the
meds are making the rest of me wackier... All I'm saying is... Stop dissing
each other. Geezz... it's like living in Northern Ireland sometimes. (minus
the violence)


PS. - I am not speaking for anyone other than myself.
(i.e. my husband has his own opinions and I accept that)

-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf
Of Ed Robitaille
Sent:   Sunday, May 21, 2000 8:30 AM
To:     GNHLUG
Subject:        New to the Group

Good Morning !

This is my first time contacting the group although I have been
monitoring the net with some pleasure. Although I have been using
Linux for only a little over 4 years, I've only been on the net
for 6 months. I started off with Slackware, moved to RH 6.0,
then SUSE 6.0 and am now using SUSE 6.3. I like the the product
and it's the best distro I've used.

After reading some the comments about M$ and being the father of teenage
girls, I believe that the Linux users view of M$ is not in the proper
cultural context. First, the more expensive it is, the better the product.
Witness women's clothing- need I say more ? Secondly, peer pressure--
everyone has it, it must be good. There are a lot of dead lemmings.
(Tongue in both cheeks !)

I have two problems:
        I am running the latest version of mutt and have not been
        able to get netscape to run as a link viewer (or anyother
        plugins for that fact). Can some one forward a mailcap that
        works, please ?

        I've seen some mention of 'signature' for signing documents
        composed on editors/wordprocessors for distribution of
        letters, memos et c that are sent elctronicly. What is
        it and where can I go to get more info ?

A tip for some of those meetings where CD's are necessary: WWW.lnuxmall.com
has available bulk shipment of mixed distro in quantities of 100 for $100;
this is available to user groups such as this.


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