From: Kenneth E. Lussier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Lemming will Fly (was: New to the Group)
> Broadcast2000 does both audio and video editing. As for the use of the
> phrase "high end", I would have serious doubts about anyone that says it
> can't be done on Linux. I personally thought that the graphics in
> Titanic were pretty good, and they were all done on LinuxAlpha.

  The rendering engine used used Linux as it's OS, yes.  This speaks to
Linux's ability to network and serve well in a clustered environment, but
nothing to the capability of commercial video editing software available for
the Linux platform.  All of the software used for that particular setup was
in house custom written, and could have also been written to run on a
network of old Mac SE's is they had enough horse power behind them.  For
more background information, feel free to take a gander at
You'll notice that all of the actual garphics work was mostly done on NT
workstation, with a few SGI's running IRIX mixed in.

> I can understand that some people hang on to M$ for certain
> applications. It can be extreamly difficult to switch when you have
> things set up for an M$ environment. However, to say that there isn't an
> alternative is quite simply untrue. There are alternatives to every
> application. Maybe not feature-for-feature replacements, but
> alternatives. The alternatives, also, may not be free. There are a few
> "high-end" video, audio, and graphics packages for Linux, but they
> certainly aren't cheap!!

  Yes, but at that point, which do you choose?  There are alternatives to
everything, but you choose what you need to do what you need to do.  Linux
is not the answer to everything.  Sure, there may be XYZ package that can do
that.  There's also an XYZ package on Mac, and heck, probrably even on the
Amiga platform.  My point?  Alternatives don't always cut it.  If you need
to do something, do it the best you can.  Sometimes (MANY times), that means
*NOT* settling for an alternative, but choosing a full fledged package so
you can do the job the best that it can possibly be done.  Example: In the
land of Video and Audio editing, close enough doesn't cut it.  You need the
full availability of everything you can get your hands on, and there are
packages that can do a WHOLE lot more out there for a Win32 box then there
are a Linux box, plain and simple.

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