On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Bob Bell wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 07:19:11AM -0400, Benjamin Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Brice Gibson wrote:
> > > some files got deleted, can I undelete them ... ?
> > 
> >   No.
>     FWIW, I only commented because I just noticed last week that AdvFS
> (on Tru64 Unix) let you do 'mktrashcan' to save deleted files,
> although I don't think it's normally used.

I recently ran into a version of RedHat (I think it was 6.2, but I *know*
the vendor who sent the equipment changed things) which had the rm command
replaced with a command that saved things to a trashcan instead of
deleting them.

It's a highly disturbing experience to be in the middle of uninstalling
something and be told that your trashcan is full!

At least it finishes whatever you're doing before telling you that...

I think I proceeded to alias the rm command to their command (destroy, I
think) which actually acted like rm is supposed to.

Somehow, having to purge one's trashcan periodically is quite irritating.
Especially when you aren't the one who were involved in implementing that
change on the machines, so you don't know it's different.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      http://pubpages.unh.edu/~shillman
ResNet Area Three Leader                             http://www.unh.edu/resnet
let it be me, if the world is night, shine my life like a light
-Indigo Girls, _Let It Be Me_

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