I am having a very hard time getting connected to the internet.  I am
reletively new to linux, though I have been fighting with it for years.  I
like the format, but getting onto the net has always been a problem for me.

Here is the situation...I have RH 5.2
My modem initiates, dials the isp server, goes through the awful sounds of
logging in, goes silent, and after about 20 seconds, hangs up and starts the
process over again.

In windows I could monitor the activity of the connection through the dialup
dialog box.  It would tell me just exacly why it was disconnecting.  Is
there an equivilant in Linux?  If so, what is it?

My modem is set up IRQ4 Com1.  There are not conflicts, I have already ruled
that out.

I have also made sure that the login scripting is correct (right log in name
and password).

Any Ideas???????


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