In a message dated: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 17:03:05 EST
Benjamin Scott said:

>On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Paul Lussier wrote:
>> I disagree with all these design decisions:
>  I did say they were not necessarily The Right Thing.

I know :)

>  Interestingly, most of your objections apply on a per-user basis (at least,
>according to RPM's theory of "sources are user data", they do).  Perhaps the
>most appropriate solution would be a separate database of source packages,
>maintained on a per-user basis.  This allows both users "pll" and "bscott" to
>have their own, independent set of RPMs/SRPMs they are working on.  For the
>"root" user, the RPMSRCDIR could just be "/usr/src/rpm" instead of "$HOME/rpm"
>or whatever.

I'd be very interested to see a situation where more than one user is dealing 
with RPMS on a single system.  I'm not saying there aren't any, but I'd find 
it peculiar.  Maybe in academia where students don't have access to their own 
system.  Can you use --relocate or --prefix on srpms?  That would be a 
terrific solution to the problem you pose.

>> Of course, I don't blame you personally Ben ...
>  Why not?  I naturally hold you personally responsible for every design
>decision made in your favorite packaging tool.  Even though I don't know what
>your favorite packaging tool is.  ;-)

I don't think I have one.  They all suck.  I really prefer source with an 
autoconf set up (though my recent forays into actually setting that 
environment up has led me to the realization that you need to be some kind of 
wizard to get it actually working correctly.  Maybe if I did the sacred 
penguin dance and sacrificed a virgin copy of Win98 to to Stallman... :)
           I'm in shape, my shape just happens to be pear!

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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