I guess from several of the replies I might have been thinking of something
a little different.  At home & work I am happy doing my *nix programming in
c/c++ using vi (he says, quickly ducking the objects thrown by any members
of the emacs-jihad).  I'm teaching myself java the same way...vi and command
line ("thank you master, may I have another").

What came to my mind at the mention of an IDE however, was actually a visual
development suite to help develop a gui program for X.  I have written a
number of small Win9x programs in MSVC++ and VB.  All of my *nix progs,
however, have been text-only.  I want to try out a small gnome or KDE
program down the road, and when I saw the initial post I hoped there might
be a gui IDE that helps out with some of the boiler-plate code, and maybe
even provide some degree of drag-and-drop design functionality. Please note:
I have been using Linux for several years...but I installed my first copy of
X just last weekend and have not even configured it yet...I have yet to even
see X/KDE/GNOME/Enlightenment running anywhere.  Needless to say, I haven't
looked very deep into developing for it yet.  I have a lot to study about
the way X and the windows managers function and just what the widgets can
and can't do from a programmer's pov.  That's why this is a "down the road"
project...lots of learning to do first.  But, I didn't know if there was an
IDE out there that allows someone to get their feet wet, in a way that VB
lets you do some basic (no pun intended) Win9x programming without needing
to know how to register a window, etc.

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