On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Benjamin Scott wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, Thomas M. Albright wrote:
> [irrelevant portions removed]
> > # cat /etc/ld.so.conf

*note the re-order*
> >
>   Okay, kdm is being linked against Qt libraries in /usr/lib.
>   However, the current favored method to handle multiple versions of
> Qt at once (on RPM-based systems, anyway) is to place them in
> /usr/lib/qt-$VERSION/ branches, and put nothing into /usr/lib/.
> Yet you have one in that location.  I suspect it is that Mandrake
> RPM (qt2-2.1.0-6mdk).  You might start by removing that.  (If you
> have something that needs Qt 2.1.0, you can get "proper" RPMs from
> http://rpmfind.net).
qt2-2.1.0-6mdk does use the /usr/lib/qt2/ branch. Nonetheless, I'm
getting non-mandrake rpms now. :)

>   If KDE still doesn't work, double-check the version of Qt that the KDE
> packages you have were compiled against.  For example, if they require 2.2.2,
> then 2.2.<anything_else> is probably not going to work.  If that is the case,
> install (not "upgrade to"!) the right version of the Qt libraries.
How do I do this? The qt version I got, (qt-2.2.1) was part of the kde
"package" at SourceForge.

>   If KDE *still* doesn't work, it may be the dynamic linker is making the
> wrong decision as to which version of the Qt libraries to link KDE against.
> You can override the dynamic linker's default library path in that case.
> First, enter runlevel 3 (i.e., X11 is not running) and get a command prompt.
> Then type "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/qt-$VERSION/lib", where "$VERSION"
> is the version of Qt that KDE needs.  Then run "kde" and see what happens.
That didn't work either. :(

Thomas M. Albright
Albright Enterprises - "The Small Business Solution"

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