On Mon, 15 Jan 2001, Karl J. Runge wrote:
> The other issues Ben brings up would likely lower the number, by how much
> I don't know.

  Or increase them.  I haven't examined the technology in enough detail to
know if this is done, but it is theoretically possible that multiple customer
sites could be receiving/transmitting on the same frequency simultaneously, if
the beam is tight enough.

  Then you could start getting really insane, and start playing with
multicast, or put a caching web proxy on the satellite, or ...

> That is download, for upload I am a bit confused how that works with the
> satellite system.

  On some systems, the return path is a modem link, just like some early cable
Internet systems.  The newer systems are bi-directional.  I dunno how.

> Oh well, I hope the technology does prove to be scalable. Maybe someday
> even I'll have a vacation cabin out in the sticks somewhere ;-)

  Personally, I hope for a global ubiquitous fiber network, but that's rather
wishful thinking... :-)

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