On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
>       - I want the FSCK'ing buttons to be all the same length :)

  HTML is not a display-specification language, it is a data-markup language.

  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) will, in theory, solve this problem for us, but
uniform, correct implementation of CSS is still a long way off (if it ever
happens at all -- Microsoft still might take over the world, for example).

  If you really want it that badly, use dynamically-generated graphic images
for the buttons.

> Now, I can easily figure out what the length of the longest string is, and
> I can figure out how to pad the string with spaces such that all the
> strings are the same number of characters in length.

  Ack!  Pfft!  With sufficient hand-fudging, you might get that to work on the
version of the browser running on your specific desktop, but you will find it
is different on every other workstation in the universe.

> Anyone have any ideas?

  The world should stop trying to make web pages look the same everywhere they
display.  HTML is designed to allow the *user* to control the presentation of
hypertext marked up by the author.  Web pages are *supposed* to look different
depending on how they are viewed!

  See also:


  (Yes, this is one my pet peeves.  HTML was such a beautiful idea.  
Presentation-independent rendering of structured data.  Give the user control
of how they use it!  Beautiful!  But Netscape -- and now Microsoft -- have
perverted it into a glorified read-only word-processor file-format.  Argh!)

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