Hi All,

     I would like to generate some discussion about setting "the sticky Bit" on an App to keep it in Memory when not actively running. I understand with limited RAM this would cause an even greater problem. But what if the RAM was increased to say 128 megs and this desktop was going to be primarily used as a word processor. Would setting the sticky bit for an app like Star Office resolve the slow start problem. Comments?

> > It takes almost a minute for Star Office to come up.

And the problem is ;-)?
(sorry, couldn't resist - SO takes a good while to come up on my work

> Star Office is probably the worst application you could choose to run on
> that system. Star Office is slow on my PC at work -- a 550 MHz Pentium III
> with 128 MB of RAM.

I wouldn't recommend SO with less than 64 MB of RAM. Biggest problem
(despite what the Sun folks keep saying about their "modular architecture"
is that it's fundamentally one big blob, instead of a bunch of separate
apps. They talk about shared libraries, but they're not Unix .so files,
they're Star Office's unique stuff, and if you go to openoffice.org, you

       Vince McHugh
Systems Support Manager

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