I have some relatives that have Adelphia as well, and I'm sorry to tell
you they are horrible. The service is spotty at best, and when it does
work the speed is NOT impressive. My ISDN line is quite often faster than
their cable service.


On Thu, 18 Oct 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> THIS scares me.  I have had M1 for about 8 months and, although not perfect,
> I've been fairly happy with it. However, we are looking to move and the
> region is apparently serviced by Adelphia (and many neighborhoods still
> don't even have cable service).  
> Who else out there has Adelphia for cable service?  Are you seeing this type
> of service across the board?!?!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Snider 
> Subject: Re: Impatient with cable 
> You want real cable problems try Adelphia..... :-))))  They lose email
> constantly, not to mention the mail servers being up and down.  Some times
> email to people don't get out and sometimes incoming email is rejected.
> I've
> rec. email as much as 36 hrs later if it comes at all.  Don't even think
> about usenet news.  News groups are dropped or renumber very frequently.
> Speed, what speed? If you find where Adelphia has hidden the speed, it's
> sure
> not in NH.  To reach a service tech. takes about 30 mins on hold and then
> they
> will only tell you to unplug things and reboot in a multiple different ways.
> -pete
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