In a message dated: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:24:10 EST
Benjamin Scott said:

>On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
>> How about at a blank .bashrc/.profile ...
>  Most of this stuff is actually set in /etc/profile and friends.  But even
>if you include those, you run into other problems.  What about PATH?  MAIL?
>What about locale settings?  The occasional program that requires some kind
>of user environment setup?

Sure, for path you include only those directories which contain 
executable files; i.e., anything ending in /bin is a decent start.  
Which brings up another really good point.  Why is it that RH 
*ALWAYS* leaves /sbin out of the /etc/profile?  That's ridiculous and 
a royal and annoying P.I.T.A.!!!  But I digress :)

What do you need a MAIL variable for?  If you discover you need one, 
set it.  Locale?  I'll let Derek answer that one, though in general, 
the default is usually C, which is fine, if you don't like it, change 

>> ... and leaving commands acting the way they were meant to "out of the
>> box"?
>  But who gets to decide how they were meant to act?  I mean, sure, with the
>case of "ls", color is off by default.  That one is easy.

I'm strictly talking about shell level commands here, nothing more.  

> But what about, say, KDE?  How was that meant to act "out of the box"?

It was meant to act easily replaceable by fvwm :)

>  Documentation from distro vendors about what they do would certainly be
>nice.  But that is a whole 'nother thread!  :-)

Too true :)  Let's save that one for tomorrow :)

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