On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Ken Ambrose wrote:
> Hey, give me *some* credit, Ben!

  I try not to assume anything.  I don't always exceed, but I try.  :-)

> ... files with +x set show up in green ... so do files that end in ".sh"
> -- EVEN IF their executable bits aren't set.

  You can change that behavior by removing ".sh" from your LS_COLORS

  (Personally, I leave it there, because I like the fact that it highlights
many shell scripts in a busy source directory, even if they are not
executable yet.)

> And, yes, it is an untrusted source, but it certainly appears to be
> legit, and it's from the site itself, instead of off on somebody's
> somewhere, hidden far, far away...

  I was not really suggesting that you should apply that paranoia here.  :)
I just feel compelled to mention that anytime someone is downloading
something off the 'net and "just compiling it" on Linux.  That same blind
trust is what gets so many MS-Windows systems into trouble.  If we, as a
user community, are not careful, in a few years, we will have the same virus
problem MS-Windows does.  :-(

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