On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Which brings up another really good point.  Why is it that RH *ALWAYS*
> leaves /sbin out of the /etc/profile?

  I think Red Hat was thinking (I use the term loosely) that the 'sbin'
directories were for system commands, and thus "regular users" would not use
them.  I cannot say I agree with the practice.

> What do you need a MAIL variable for?

  Hmmmmm.... I dunno.  Every system I have ever used has had one, but now
that you mention it, I cannot say I have ever *used* it.  :-)

> Locale?  I'll let Derek answer that one, though in general, the default
> is usually C, which is fine ...

  Easy for you to say.  You speak English.

  If your primary language was, say, Polish, I think you would not have such
a casual attitude towards internationalization.

  I am reminded of websites who use graphics instead of text.  Most people
think there is nothing wrong with that.  Because they can see.  Blind people
regard the situation rather differently.

> I'm strictly talking about shell level commands here, nothing more.

  Why?  What makes shell commands so special?  Sure, people like you and me
might think X11's main purpose is to allow us to have multiple xterm's open
at once, and thus not care what gets done to the GUI.  But how does someone
used to KDE react when you remove the panel and replace it with a desktop
menu?  How would most Unix hacks react if the middle mouse button was
reconfigured to double-click instead of paste?

  This issue is not as cut-and-dry as it might first appear...

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