
Several people wanted updates on Direct TV's DSL service. Well, so far
I'm impressed. $50/month. Here is what I have:

768K down / 256k up
Static IP address
Upto 6 accounts/e-mail addresses through them.
Express permission to run smtp, dns, web, ftp, etc.
Install instructions for Linux/UNIX.
DirectTV will act as primary or secondary DNS for my domain if I want
them to.

I placed my order on Nov. 20th, and I received the DSL routher via
2-day delivery this morning. They delt with Verizon (last mile
provider), so I never have to, and they did it in under 2 weeks
(including Thanksgiving time off). It took me 5 minutes to set it up.
I plugged in the router, connected it to the phone line, and pointed
my browser to the internal IP address. I typed in my phone number and
clicked on configure. A minute or two later, the router was done
connecting to their config server and downloading it's config file. I
restarted networking, and I had my IP address and it was all done.  

It will take me a couple of days to get everything switched over for
my domain, but so far so good. 

 Kenneth E. Lussier
 Geek by nature, Linux by choice
 PGP KeyID C0D2BA57 
 Public key

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