On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 12:09, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Paul Lussier wrote:
> > Adaptec has had a lot of problems, especially with Linux drivers.
> > There was one person maintaining his own drivers for linux, then Adaptec
> > came along and said ...
>   Yet another reason to avoid 2.4.  I am starting to think that 2.4 is the
> Ford Edsel of Linux.  At the rate things are going, 2.6 might be stable
> before 2.4 is.

I have to disagree.  I remember 1.0.0, 1.2.0, 2.0.0, and 2.2.0 -- *all*
of them had their share of nay-sayers.  And Linus has never hidden the
fact that he has no problem publishing kernels that break drivers, his
opinion being that, if the code is needed, someone'll fix it, and if it
isn't, it'll eventually get deprecated and then removed.  Alas, I've
seen many discussions about how stupid Adaptec's been lately (~ 2 years)
with regards to drivers, be it making their own, or publishing specs. 
When it came to SCSI, my mantra used to be "There is no adapter but
Adaptec, and I am their prophet", but this has, alas, changed... and
it's not 2.4's fault if Adaptec's made this happen.  As for other issues
with 2.4 -- they're getting worked on.  After the fiasco that was
2.4.15, I think they're pretty much to the point where it's a usable,
production-ready kernel.



> > HP has built their tape drive units to explicitly work with only Adaptec
> > cards!
>   You're kidding me.  They actually came out and said this?
> > So much for SCSI being an open standard.
>   "There is no cause so just or so right that one cannot find an idiot
> following it."  -- Larry Niven
> -- 
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