This discussion is interesting to me, because I've used an Asus
P2L97-DS motherboard for about 4 years now, which has the AIC7880(?)
chip onboard. (2940UW equivalent). 

I've had my share of termination problems, etc., but for the most
part, it's been pretty stable and useful. I'm even running fairly
bleeding edge kernels with it.

BUT, one problem I'm having is with a Plextor SCSI CDRW drive. I 
cannot even boot Linux with it (under 2.4/2.5) with either the 
latest Adaptec-sponsored driver or using 2.4's "old Adaptec" driver.
It consistently complains that one of the LUNs has an interrupt
posted or something. (Bear with me, it's been a couple of months
since I last got up the patience and courage to try it again). Well,
I figured, based on the spate of new firmware posted by Plextor,
that it might be a firmware issue.  

However, it got mighty interesting that I was able to bring it in and
try it on an Alpha XP1000 workstation (which uses Qlogic ISP10xx SCSI 
chips), and both Compaq Tru64 UNIX and SuSE Linux 6.4 had no issues.

So, I tend to agree that there is something rotten in Denmark about
the Adaptec-sponsored device driver code. I'm considering going for
a TekRam board when I build my new system shortly.


Bayard R. Coolidge      N1HO    DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
Compaq Computer Corp.           solely those of the author, and not
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA      those of Compaq Computer Corporation
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98)              or any other entity.
"Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
Version: 3.12
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