> Correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm no programmer, but I was under the
> impression that the whole .NET thing was not Microsoft's invention anyway,
> but simply a re-implementation of Sun's Java/Beans model that Microsoft
> undertook when they realized what a stupid waste of time COM was...

Um, .net == ActiveX == DCOM == COM == OLE2 == OLE == DDE ad nauseum.

It's a cool trick - rename the technology, tweak a few core classes
and charge another $2500 for this year's model of the developer's kit.

It does the same thing as beans, the same way that it basically does
the same thing as CORBA.  But since it was not developed as a
consensus standard, there will be no place but Microsoft to turn to if
Ximian Mono fails.  If Mono succeeds and takes on a substantial
*Windows* user base, the Microsoft developer tools money machine my
find it difficult to yank the chain every 9 months.

Microsoft has never been on the CORBA bus.  Sun was on it and made
moves to get off when the introduced Java RMI, the original Java
distributed object technology but they were rapidly beaten into
submission by a handful of the members of the 800+ strong OMG.


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