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At some point hitherto, Thomas Charron hath spake thusly:
> Quoting "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I think you need to get a grip.
>   Umm, Derek, with all do respect, do you have *EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CLUE* as to 
> *WHAT* a TNEF attachment *IS*?

Until a few minutes ago, all I knew about MS-TNEF was that it was a
proprietary Microsoft attachment format. WHICH IS THE BLOODY POINT!
As I'm sure, nor did/do many of the people who read messages here.
MS-TNEF is completely a MS thing.  I don't use MS products.  Neither
do many other people here.  Having no experience + no use for such
things, why the WOULD I know what it is, or know what to do with it?
The whole point was that there might have been relevant information in
the attachment, and many of us would never know it.

Are you intentionally being obtuse?

You're also wrong on several counts:

 - MS-TNEF attachments do not contain formatted versions of the text
   of the message.  They contain the FORMATTING, separated from the text
   content.  They can also contain other things, like attachments of
   graphics and such.  If you'd looked at the web page that you
   referred me to, you'd know that.  So it's very possible that there
   might have been other information in the original post that was not
   in the text of the mail.

 - MS-TNEF is NOT a valid MIME alternative of the message text.  If it
   were, messages which used it would have a MIME type of

   Content-Type: multipart/alternative

   Which they DON'T.  It's specified with headers as such:

   Content-Type: multipart/mixed

The rest of your message was blatantly insulting, stupid, and largely
wrong, so I will not bother to respond to it.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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