Interesting. I think this particular piece of the 
implementation of URI::Escape is just a little too 
fragile. I had problems until I doubled up the 
backslashes. That was with version 3.13 of URI::Escape.
Then, I upgraded to the current 3.20 version and find
that it broken again: only the backslash for \w needs to 
be doubled, the one for slash has to be single. You 
probably have some other version for which it's broken in 
yet a different way.

Here's a tested version -- written as a bash script.
It is tested against Revision 3.20 of URI::Escape.

#! /bin/bash

perl -MHTML::Entities -MURI::Escape -ne \
 'chomp;print qq{<A href="http://host/},
 scalar uri_escape( $_, "^\\w-.\/"),
 qq{">}, encode_entities($_), qq{</A>\n};'

I had to put back a "^" that had been omitted in what you 
said you used. The name "host" is just a placeholder, by 
the way, you'll need to change that. And there's also the 
problem of DocumentRoot not usually being the same as / 
that you may need to do something about.

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