On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, at 10:34pm, Jon 'maddog' Hall, Executive Director,...:
> Last fall we bought four tables worth of space ... We had too much room,
> so this year I would recommend two tables of space ...

  I concur.  We could, in fact, probably get away with just one, but it
would be a bit cozy, so I think two is the best bet.

> 2 x $10. for the tables (which could be eliminated if we brought our own
> 8' tables (or several smaller ones)

  I don't know about anyone else, but personally, twenty bucks is worth it
not to have to lug folding tables around.

> ... but I need to know NOW whether there will be someone who wants to
> staff the booth and keep it running.

  I can be there from Friday morning until Saturday whenever.  I can bring
my usual collection of computers and support equipment (cords, UPS, Ethernet
hub, wireless access point, etc.).

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