In a message dated: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 18:33:45 EDT
"Tom Buskey" said:

>>Yeah, but you know, I'd really like to be able to use (ex)mh as an 
>>interface to an IMAP server.  I really like the granular control I 
>>have over my e-mail with both raw mh commands and exmh as a GUI.  I 
>>would *really* like to be able to re-engineer it to interface with an 
>>IMAP server and still manipulate my e-mail the same way, but have the 
>>mail stored on some external-to-my-laptop system.  That would be way 
>There's always NFS and X ;-)
>I run fetchmail -> procmail on my firewall (my personal server only!) and NFS
>mount the mail directory from my laptop.

That's fine for a 1-person environment where you fully trust that one 
person.  However, in a corporate environment, IMO, you shouldn't allow NFS 
access to your mail spool, *especially* when everyone on the network 
has root access to their personal machine.[1]

The safest way to do what we did was not allow NFS access to the 
spool, and provide either POP3 or IMAP access to the mail spool.  
Anyone not wanting to use a  POP3/IMAP capable client was free to log 
onto the mail server and access their mail using their client of 

[1]     It's been argued before that in general, there is little valid
        reason for users to have root access even to their desktop 
        machines.  However, I'm not really in any mood to re-visit 
        this debate, since regardless of who's right, no one on either
        side of the debate is about to change their opinion, and said
        re-visiting would merely be an excercise in futility and 
        wasted bandwidth.

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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