On 09/23/2016 11:33 AM, Pascal wrote:
> My proposal scheme for Gnoga:
> m.n with m major version number , n minor version number.
> -alpha is added on m.n when this version is created, to be used without any 
> warranty.
> -beta is added on m.n when this version is enough mature to be tested.
> Then a letter is added on m.n when this version becomes a stable reference 
> release (fully tested).
> The letter is incremented when fixes come.
> For instance : 1.2-alpha, 1.2-beta, 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.2c…

Since all of these have additional information appended to "m.n", one of these
doesn't seem to add any information. "m.n" could be understood to be the alpha
version; when it moves out of alpha it gains a suffix, so

1.2, 1.2-beta, 1.2a, 1.2b,  ...

Alternatively, "m.n" could be the 1st release version, which gains an additional
patch designation:

1.2-alpha, 1.2-beta, 1.2, 1.2a, 1.2b, ...

> Why a patch letter?
> Major and minor version can be easily constrained to 0..9 (e.g. one digit) 
> but patch version may increase other 9 thus issues CE ;-)

While I have no problem constraining the minor version to a single digit, what
will we do after 9.9z?

Jeff Carter
"It's symbolic of his struggle against reality."
Monty Python's Life of Brian

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