
On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 08:11 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> I'm working on a GSoD for this year and I've outlined the proposal. I
> just wanted to give you all a heads up. I'm mostly focusing on our wiki
> and looking to remove everything updated, and update the ones that are
> still valid. But we will also use that experience to build a better
> onboarding experience by building a more supportable project
> documentation setup that can be managed for the future.
> If you have any thoughts, questions, or comments that would be
> appreciated. Here is the current proposal.
> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/gsod-2021-proposal

I'm trying to understand the scope and complexity of this.

About how many pages are there to audit?

Does "remove" mean deleting pages (and making URLs become 404s if you
don't manually [[REDIRECT]]), or 'only' removing content from pages?

For the "work with community members", have those community members
committed to allocating sufficient resources?

"looking at alternative documentation technologies" means potentially
replacing the MoinMoin installation by moving stuff to Gitlab (or so)?

If it's about "building a better onboarding experience", is there an
analysis available what's bad about the current onboarding experience
with specific regard to the wiki?

If it's about "building a more supportable project documentation
setup", is there an analysis about the current pain points and how this
plays along in combination with documentation in other places such as
help.gnome.org, GitLab wiki pages, or GitLab README.md files?

Andre Klapper  |  ak...@gmx.net

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