On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 11:02 AM Shaun McCance <sha...@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 08:11 -0700, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> Hey folks!
> I'm working on a GSoD for this year and I've outlined the proposal. I just
> wanted to give you all a heads up. I'm mostly focusing on our wiki and
> looking to remove everything updated, and update the ones that are still
> valid. But we will also use that experience to build a better onboarding
> experience by building a more supportable project documentation setup that
> can be managed for the future.
> If you have any thoughts, questions, or comments that would be
> appreciated. Here is the current proposal.
> https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/gsod-2021-proposal
> Thanks so much!
> Thanks for taking point on this, Sri. I don't have the bandwidth to mentor
> this time around, but I can help out with some stuff.
Awesome - I'll keep that in mind but also set it up in a way that is
cognizant of your time commitment. :)

It's worth noting that I started an audit for things related to the
> documentation team (not necessarily user or developer documentation per se):
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/documentation/initiatives/-/issues/1
> I'd appreciate if we could keep that issue up to date on any pages listed
> there.

Oh that's lovely - let me see if I can integrate that into the description
so that we can give it some attention.


> Thanks,
> Shaun
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