Today at 12:46, Martin Willemoes Hansen wrote:

> Done with the initial Danish translation, 243 strings are now
> translated, I have some comments though:
> I noticed some things which might be bugs.
> 1. During generating of xml files I get the following warning:
>    Generating xml-da/rnutilities.xml... Warning: image file
>    '../figures/figure-fileroller.png' not found.

Davyd? Care to add a screenshot? :)

> 2. The translator-credits does not seem to be used?

If there's <articleinfo> in original DocBook, it will be added there
as <copyright> tag.  If not, it is really not used. 

> 3. Some strings does not seem to be translated in the generated xml.
>    When I view the xml with Yelp, I find the following not to be 
>    translated:

Thanks for pointing this out.  It can be fixed with this patch
to $prefix/share/xml2po/

--- modes/    2004-10-09 18:00:26.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/share/xml2po/        2005-03-04 18:21:02.745558752 +0100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
     def getFinalTags(self):
         "Returns array of tags to be considered 'final'."
         return ['para', 'formalpara', 'simpara',
-                'title', 'releaseinfo', 'revnumber',
+                'releaseinfo', 'revnumber',
                 'date', 'term', 'programlisting'] + self.lists
     def getSpacePreserveTags(self):

(or simply update to latest xml2po CVS version before merging).

You won't have to update your translations, and I've checked Greek
translation with Yelp which still seems complete.

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